School: Pay To Win?

By Manan, Grade 10   Yo! Welcome to the second part of my AI in school blogpost! If you’re new, refer back to part 1, “Leveling up Learning and Grades with AI”!   The Addicts and the Stay-Aways As this AI-centered meta began to develop and become normalized in school culture, especially high school, the…
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Pride and Prejudice: A Masterpiece of British Literature

by Yunhan, Grade 7   The characters in this 18th-century novel, essentially social commentary about the preoccupation with marriage during the time of the book's publication, seemed astonishingly fresh and real. This is due to the intricacies of their character traits and emotions—a testament to Austen's skill as a novelist. The overarching idea of the…
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Arts by Qinfei

By Qinfei, Grade 10   I often draw during my leisure time, and I really enjoy depicting part of the human face with different kinds of light and shadow effects. Most of these drawings reflect my thoughts on the relation between light and shadow, as well as capturing the human face…
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