City Manager Ed Shikada shares his favorite book for National Library Week
Palo Alto Reads for National Library Week
By M Ryan Hess
Fire Chief Geoffrey Blackshire shares his favorite book for National Library Week
Palo Alto Reads for National Library Week
By M Ryan Hess
Director of Emergency Services Kenneth Dueker shares his favorite book for National Library Week
Palo Alto Reads for National Library Week
By M Ryan Hess
Police Chief Robert Jonsen shares his favorite book for National Library Week
Council Member Alison Cormack – Palo Alto Reads, National Library Week
By M Ryan Hess
Council Member Alison Cormack shares her favorite book for Palo Alto Reads, National Library Week
Mayor Adrian Fine – Palo Alto Reads, National Library Week
By M Ryan Hess
Mayor Adrian Fine shares his favorite book for National Library Week
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