Elevate Your Career with Coursera

What is Coursera?

Coursera offers more than 3,000 cutting edge courses, taught by top instructors from 190 of the world’s leading universities and organizations. Coursera will enable you to: 

  • Master the most in-demand technology and business skills to excel in your role 
  • Enjoy an engaging and interactive learning experience with leading instructors 
  • Work at your own pace with bite-sized sessions and a self-paced learning model 
  • Earn university-accredited certifications in industry-vetted disciplines 

Watch the video below to learn more about Coursera.

How to access Coursera?

Note: This program is for California residents and has a limited number of paid all-access seats available.


  1. Go to Coursera in our A-Z resources list
  2. Create/log in to your Coursera account
  3. Redeem the unlimited access for 6 months.

The resource is available thanks to funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.