
Harvest at Your Library
Watch and learn how our agriculture robot Farmbot works with this YouTube playlist.
FarmBot is the first robot constructed at the Library by the community. We introduced how FarmBot was born in the blog A Robot Born of Community Spirit.
Robo Dojo Anywhere Anytime
Discover and learn coding, robotics and computational thinking in a fun way.
The series of online tutorials guide absolute beginners to develop games with a virtual robot.
Watch Elsie Dance
Our robot librarian Elsie enjoys herself by dancing to music "Move your robot".
Recent Posts
Get Started with Robotics and Coding
Want to learn Python with Elsie and Dewey? Check this out.
Beginners: Robomaster Drones Tutorial
The Library has developed a drone swarm tutorial for absolute beginners. It's used in the Light up the Library with Drone Swarm program.
Beginners: Tello Drone Tutorial
The Library has developed a Tello drone coding tutorial for absolute beginners. We use these tutorials in the Tello drone program.
FarmBot is Working!
The Library’s agriculture robot FarmBot is now working. It has been growing a few carrots and just sowed some more seeds this spring!
Harvest at Your Library
Watch and learn how our agriculture robot Farmbot works with this YouTube playlist.
A Robot Born of Community Spirit
With the help from our AWESOME community, the library built an agricultural robot at Mitchell Park.
A Stage Show by Dewey and Elsie
Dewey and Elsie perform their very first stage show together to celebrate the Top Innovator Award from Urban Libraries Council.
Meet Dewey
In this video, meet our first robot, Dewey and learn how we've been using him in library programs.
PACL Wins 2019 Top Innovator Award
The Urban Libraries Council has recognized Palo Alto City Library's work with robotics with its 2019 Top Innovator Award.
Get to Know Elsie Better
Feel like in the dark when coding with Elsie, the Library's Misty robot? The official Misty robot documentation explains everything.
Learn Python
Ready to get your feet wet with the programming language Python? Python Software Foundation provides great resources for beginners.
Robotics at the Library
The Library started the robotics initiative thanks to a Pacific Library Partnership Innovation grant.
Beginners: Dewey and Elsie Tutorials
The Library has developed robotics coding tutorials for absolute beginners. We use these tutorials in the Robo Dojo program.
Get to Know Dewey Better
Have a question? Run into an issue? Cannot figure out how to do something? The official NAO robot documentation is a great resource.