Library Hours Expansion Update

For the latest news about library hours, see these new post from January 2024. The Library is starting 2023 with expanded hours at Mitchell Park and Rinconada Libraries. Starting Saturday, January 21, please note the new hours of operation on the following days and locations: Mitchell Park Library: Fridays & Saturdays: 10-6 PM Rinconada Library…
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Palo Alto Library Service Enhancements Planned

Palo Alto Libraries are currently recruiting additional staff, including Library Specialists and Library Clerks. Once staff recruitments are completed, the Library will be expanding hours at Downtown, Children's, and College Terrace branches to four days per week. Additional plans are underway to expand hours at Mitchell Park and Rinconada Libraries in early 2023. As updates…
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November Library Closures Planned

The Palo Alto City Library will be closed on the following days in November: Friday, November 4: Staff Professional Development Day Friday, November 11: Veterans Day Thursday & Friday, November 24–25: Thanksgiving   All five locations will reopen the following Saturdays: Children’s, College Terrace, Downtown & Rinconada Libraries: 10 AM–6 PM Mitchell Park Library: 12…
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