Freegal Music Music
Hoopla Audiobooks eBooks Movies & TV Music
Download and stream digital content to your computer or device:
- Streaming movies & TV.
- eBooks
- eAudiobooks
- Graphic novels
- Music albums
- (7-day checkout)
Limit 3 checkouts per month per library card.
We invite you to also try Hoopla's BingePass collection, which allows unlimited streaming of an entire series for seven days with just 1 checkout. Every three months you will also find the Bonus Borrows collection featured on their homepage. Bonus Borrows do not count against your 3 checkout per month limit and are a great way to try something new.
Visit our eHelp page for video tutorials and guides to help you get started in Hoopla.
Libby Audiobooks eBooks Movies & TV Music Newspapers & Magazines
Libby, provided by Overdrive, is a platform for eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and streaming video.
- Almost 3000 eBooks
- Over 3600 audiobooks
- Over 3000 magazines such as The New Yorker, Discover, National Geographic, Forbes, and Newsweek
Libby also provides additional video streaming services:
- Qello concert and performance streaming, plus films on music
- Indieflix films and documentaries from emerging filmmakers
- Great Courses college-level lectures and literature
- Click the Libby Link
- Follow the prompts to sign in with your library card. We are a member of the Northern California Digital Library (NCDL).
- Note that you may need to scroll down or click the "more" button to see our library in the list.
Check out the Libby FAQs and our eHelp page for tutorials to help you get started.
Freegal Music Music
Hoopla Audiobooks eBooks Movies & TV Music
Download and stream digital content to your computer or device:
- Streaming movies & TV.
- eBooks
- eAudiobooks
- Graphic novels
- Music albums
- (7-day checkout)
Limit 3 checkouts per month per library card.
We invite you to also try Hoopla's BingePass collection, which allows unlimited streaming of an entire series for seven days with just 1 checkout. Every three months you will also find the Bonus Borrows collection featured on their homepage. Bonus Borrows do not count against your 3 checkout per month limit and are a great way to try something new.
Visit our eHelp page for video tutorials and guides to help you get started in Hoopla.
Libby Audiobooks eBooks Movies & TV Music Newspapers & Magazines
Libby, provided by Overdrive, is a platform for eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and streaming video.
- Almost 3000 eBooks
- Over 3600 audiobooks
- Over 3000 magazines such as The New Yorker, Discover, National Geographic, Forbes, and Newsweek
Libby also provides additional video streaming services:
- Qello concert and performance streaming, plus films on music
- Indieflix films and documentaries from emerging filmmakers
- Great Courses college-level lectures and literature
- Click the Libby Link
- Follow the prompts to sign in with your library card. We are a member of the Northern California Digital Library (NCDL).
- Note that you may need to scroll down or click the "more" button to see our library in the list.
Check out the Libby FAQs and our eHelp page for tutorials to help you get started.
Qello Concerts Music
Qello Concerts is the world's largest collection of full-length concerts and music documentaries.
Unlimited access is available via the Libby website or the Libby app by following the steps below:
- Add your library card number to log into Libby
- Scroll down and click/tap on the "Extras" section
- Click/tap on "Qello Concert" to get your 7-day pass
You can always get another 7-day pass to Qello by repeating the above steps after the previous access expires.
If you need help with Libby, please contact Libby Support.