Libby Audiobooks eBooks Movies & TV Music Newspapers & Magazines Library Card Required.

Libby, provided by Overdrive, is a platform for eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and streaming video.

  • Almost 3000 eBooks
  • Over 3600 audiobooks
  • Over 3000 magazines such as The New Yorker, Discover, National Geographic, Forbes, and Newsweek

Libby also provides additional video streaming services:

  • Qello concert and performance streaming, plus films on music
  • Indieflix films and documentaries from emerging filmmakers
  • Great Courses college-level lectures and literature


  1. Click the Libby Link
  2. Follow the prompts to sign in with your library card. We are a member of the Northern California Digital Library (NCDL).
  3. Note that you may need to scroll down or click the "more" button to see our library in the list.

Check out the Libby FAQs and our eHelp page for tutorials to help you get started.