Tax Information & Services

Tax Preparation Assistance

Palo Alto City Library will provide three tax assistance sessions on March 1, 15 and 29 by Tax-Aid!

Mountain View Public Library and Santa Clara City Library will also be hosting free tax assistance sessions this year.

To supplement these sessions, use the following information to help you locate resources.

Tax Forms & Filing Information

The Palo Alto City Library does not provide tax forms. Please use the following links to find your forms: 

PLEASE NOTE: Library staff can help you locate information, but cannot provide assistance with filling out forms or help determine which forms are right for you.

File Returns

Follow these links to find out which address to use to file forms: Federal or CA State

FREE Online Assistance for Qualified Taxpayers

Get Help

You can search for locations on the following sites:

State assistance

Live telephone assistance: (800) 852-5711 (Open weekdays 8 AM to 5 PM)

Automated help (800) 833-0505 (Available 24/7 for tasks such as request forms, refund status, payments and balance due)

Federal assistance