Become a Chat VIP on

We are just 14 subscribers away from reaching the next level of video game streaming on, and would love for you, dear library user, to join us in chat as a newly minted VIP member when we get there. Space is limited! We have only 10 VIP spots available because our channel is so new, so sign up quick--OG status awaits. 

How do I sign up? What do I get?

Here is the deal: VIPs on Twitch get special chat powers like the ability to post links while we're streaming, something only our chat mods can usually do. Got something cool to share in chat? This is the way. Not only that, but think how cool VIP status will look next to your screen name. ?? 

Fill out the form below to apply! Before you begin, make sure your account is following our channel so we know you're not a chat-bot (no offence to our automaton friend Dewey... we like library robots).