Movie Reviews by Allison

By Allison, Grade 10

Time to Face the Music in 'Pitch Perfect' 2 & 3

I loved the original “Pitch Perfect” (released in 2012) movie and it is no surprise that I had high expectations for “Pitch Perfect 2” (2015) and “Pitch Perfect 3” (2017). It was nice to see that the theme is consistent in 2 and 3 which is that friendship sits on trust. Whenever the Barden Bellas (a capella team name) failed, it was due to someone being over controlling or unwilling to try new things. When the situation becomes hopeless and the only thought is to give up, then the only wish is that someone can stay by your side. I felt this was happening and only when they thought about their friendship did the trust come back. I’ve felt this way many times before and I always needed some time to self reflect. Beca (played by Anna Kendrick) is a strong girl and motivates others. I love to watch her because I want to have that confidence Beca holds to step outside of my comfort zone. “Pitch Perfect 2” takes me on an emotional journey, as the girls struggle between friendship and self pursuit of one's interests. Time does not stop and everyone finishes college. “Pitch Perfect 3” explores the moment when the Bellas have to say goodbye to a capella. Before that happens, the Barden Bellas take one last opportunity to perform for the troops overseas. The competition heats up as they start to realize that this would be their last time together as the Bellas. The third storyline was about reality. Growing up is about self exploration and discoveries. Once you graduate, then it is time to experience life outside of school and pursue your passion and dreams. That is what “Pitch Perfect” has made me feel and be true to your friends in life. The sequels are a must see and I highly recommend them to everyone.

Pitch Perfect 2

Pitch Perfect 3