Igniting Love: Top 5 Slow Burn Romances That Will Set Your Heart Aflame

by Jessica W., Grade 11

Thudding hearts, the backs of hands brushing against one another, a subtle coloring on one’s cheeks. There's a certain charm to slow burn relationships that keeps readers captivated and invested in the journey of love. These tales take their time, allowing the connection between characters to simmer and develop into an intense, fiery passion. In this season of love, join us as we explore the top 5 slow burn romances that will leave you swooning and rooting for love that withstands the test of time.


  1. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes: 

Jojo Moyes explores the complexities of love and sacrifice in "Me Before You." The slow burn romance between Louisa Clark, an unconventional caregiver, and Will Traynor, a quadriplegic man, is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching. Moyes skillfully weaves a narrative that challenges societal norms and invites readers to ponder the depths of true love.

Me Before You


  1. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: 

Sally Thorne's debut novel, "The Hating Game," is a delightful workplace slow burn romance. Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman, co-workers with a love-hate relationship, navigate office politics and personal insecurities as they slowly realize that there might be more to their dynamic than meets the eye. As the protagonists navigate their professional rivalry, readers are treated to a delightful dance of emotions that culminates in a satisfying and passionate conclusion.

The Hating Game


  1. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas:

For lovers of fantasy romance, "A Court of Thorns and Roses" offers a slow burn that's as enchanting as the magical world it unfolds in. Feyre Archeron's journey in the faerie realm introduces her to the mysterious and brooding High Fae, Tamlin. As their connection evolves from animosity to a deep emotional bond, readers are treated to a rich tapestry of intricate storytelling and character development. Sarah J. Maas crafts a slow burn romance that is both exhilarating and emotionally satisfying.

A Court of Thorns and Roses


  1. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon:

Diana Gabaldon's epic saga, "Outlander," takes us on a time-traveling adventure with Claire Randall, a World War II nurse, and Jamie Fraser, a dashing Scottish Highlander. The complexities of their relationship unfold slowly, as trust and understanding grow between them. Against the backdrop of historical events, Gabaldon spins a tale of enduring love that withstands time, war, and distance.



  1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen:

No list of slow burn romances is complete without the timeless classic, "Pride and Prejudice." Set in the early 19th century, the novel introduces us to the headstrong Elizabeth Bennet and the enigmatic Mr. Darcy. Their initial encounters are marked by misunderstandings and prejudices, but as the story unfolds, we witness the gradual transformation of disdain into deep, profound love. Jane Austen's masterpiece is a testament to the enduring appeal of slow-burning passion.

The beauty of slow burn romances lies in the gradual unfolding of emotions and the deep connection that develops over time. Whether you spend Valentine’s day pretending that it is simply any other day or with a special one, try picking up one of these stories! Savor the journey, relish every moment of anticipation, and indulge in every subtle shift in the characters' dynamics.

Pride and Prejudice